Organic Cycling Science™

Organic Cycling Science Solves the Problem: "Take, Make, Waste"

Raw materials flow in and are transformed into the final product. These products are sold and distributed and eventually discarded. The initial thought is that this inefficiency applies mostly to consumer products. Unfortunately this is not the case. This problem exists within all industries, including agriculture and food systems. The amount of valuable resources in the form of nutrients that leak out, knowingly and unknowingly, across all stages of the production process, is unsettling.  


The Solution: Organic Cycling Science

Enter Organic Cycling Science (OSC) - Designed by our team at Re-Nuble, OSC is a method of efficiently taking organic nutrients and transforming it into viable, soluble nutrients. Through a carbon negative process which is done at scale, this places it back into the food system for continuous reuse until a small percentage of its solids have no longer any residual value. It creates a closed loop system through an organic nutrient supply chain, making it competitive to less sustainable commercial-level options.


The Design Principles That Drive OCS

OCS Principles Re-Nubles Product's
Creation of New and Profitable Markets By extracting organic nutrients from the current linear ecosystem, which would have otherwise been considered "waste", a completely "blue ocean", profitable market is created.
Unimpeded Resource Recirculation Organic nutrients are transformed into products which then go back into the food system, creating a closed-loop and long-term recirculation of the natural resources from participant waste streams and the greater food system.
Sustainable Outcomes For OSC to reverse all of the nutrient wastage that is currently ongoing, it must be done at scale, marked by clear and measurable improvements environmentally, economically, and socially.


Application of Organic Cycling Science

At Re-Nuble, we strive to be the world’s enabler of closed loop food and we do that through the organic cycling science method. We intend to make soilless farming a more profitable and sustainable business while operating in a closed loop system. We mimic the greater natural ecosystem as closely as possible, and do this through the following:


Why Organic Cycling Science is Important

Recognizing that no one has been able to efficiently take organic nutrients and turn them into a viable biostimulant nutrient solution, we decided to lead this global change. This product is produced at scale and is competitive to fast release, commercial grade synthetic fertilizers. Through our organic nutrients sourced from vegetative waste, we have successfully aligned every aspect of our offerings with the OSC principles.