Meet Our Horticultural Grower, Avi Abittan

Meet Our Horticultural Grower, Avi Abittan

Avi Abittan Horticultural Grower Re-Nuble

What inspired you to want to work with Re-Nuble?
My education and passion for sustainability and improving and increasing organic options for controlled environment agriculture (CEA) farms. I've always wanted to be part of a startup with ethics and shared values with a desire to make a difference where it is needed. 

Do you have a green thumb and how do you practice it?
I utilize my green thumb frequently by helping others with their gardening needs. This includes working on industrial scale greenhouses all the way to helping community-run urban farms. I'm also building and maintaining an organic garden for me and my family's everyday needs, utilizing both soil and soilless techniques. I especially enjoy saving my own seeds and educating the youth about growing food.

What does a Sustainable NYC mean to you and how do you envision Re-Nuble fitting into that vision?

Sustainable NYC is necessary to ensure a safe and healthy future for its people. To me, Re- Nuble is a company that is committed to making this happen by utilizing and working with local farms.

How do you practice aspects of a circular economy/sustainability at home?

At home I strive to use only re-usable items, buy local when possible, make my own foods rather than prepared foods, compost, purchase gently used furniture, and shop in thrift stores.

What would you like to see Re-Nuble do differently for cities that other companies or brands have failed to do so or have not invested the efforts in creating?
Get the local population involved, provide the most efficient and cost effective product, educate the consumer beyond just our specific product, help people make lifestyle changes that will benefit their health and the environment.

Avi Abittan Horticultural Grower Re-Nuble

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