Sustainable food, sustainable agriculture, organic nutrients

Our Sustainable Food Story - Why We're In This!

Photo credit: 21st Century Challenges

On the surface, throwing away a half-eaten sandwich is such an insignificant act.

Organic food is more popular than ever before. Available in supermarkets, convenience stores, and restaurants all over America, it has never been easier to find a vegetable free of chemical additives, or meat that is hormone free. But are we living in a world with a sustainable food system? 

Sustainable Food Systems: Are We There Yet?

Despite the demand for safer food, for the vast majority of farms, the process for growing and cultivating crops is still essentially the same; treat plants with a variety of herbicides and pesticides, grow far more food than you can sell (or anyone will eat), and dump any leftovers in landfills. Unless you’re growing all of your food in a garden, it is still very possible to eat something chemically treated that has been labeled “organic."

Our current way of life needs to shift towards a sustainable food systems. More importantly, it’s also currently unhealthy. If we’re to ensure a better tomorrow, we have to start making changes to the way we grow food today.

That’s why we developed Re-Nuble, a line of organic nutrients for hydroponics. We source locally from households and community farms that have leftover or discarded materials like fruits and vegetables. Unlike other conventional products, our unique line of plant supplements helps produce greater plant yields while ensuring that there are no unnecessary chemical additives, all at a fraction of the cost of other plant boosters - all of this in order to create a more sustainable food system that is closed loop and benefits urban areas that we live, eat, and breathe in.

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